Note to those who visit my page:
In Ephesians 6:19, St. Paul asks, "pray also for me, that speech may be given me to open my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the Gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains, so that I may have the courage to speak as I must". As he is writing this, he is literally bound in chains in a Roman cell. St. Paul is telling us, no matter where we are in our lives, that God's will for us is happening now! It is not after we achieve a certain degree or job, it is now. St. Paul is urging that we put this prayer at the top of our own prayer lists: to be strengthened to fearlessly proclaim the gospel. I pray that we may reflect on this prayer everyday as we live out God’s will for us.
- Rich
Rich Grillone is a Catholic composer and the Director of Music & Liturgy at Saint Denis in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Rich graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Music Technology with a concentration in Music Composition from Mary Pappert School of Music (Duquesne University) in Pittsburgh. His compositions, from a cappella choral works to Christian songs of praise, have been used throughout the country. Rich takes great pride in mentoring parishes in creating a meditative “flow in liturgy” for all styles of worship.
Rich has been planning and leading liturgies since 2007. For four years he volunteered at four churches in the Philadelphia area. After receiving recognition for his service and leadership (The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Saint Timothy Award and Foundations Community Partnership 2011 Partnership in Education Award), Rich was ambitious to continue his vocation in sacred music. At the age of 19, he became music director at Incarnation of Our Lord in Philadelphia. Since then and prior to Saint Denis, he has held music and liturgy positions at several parishes in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
In addition to his work in liturgical composition and leadership, Rich is an accomplished audio engineer. Rich has mixed live sound for a variety of venues, including “front-of-house” sound for the 25,000-seat BB&T Pavilion (Camden, New Jersey). Rich is passionate about ensuring that the liturgy can be discerned by the congregation in the best way possible. Therefore, he uses his audio skills by assisting many parishes in designing and maintaining their sound systems and livestreams.
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